Year 2000

The history of the Kuřim congregation goes back to the year 2000 when the Lord God saved two young students, Roman and Martin. There was no Bible church in Kurim where they could sit under the preaching of God’s Word, so they were looking for someone to come and teach them from the Bible.

Roman, first from the left, is now the preacher/pastor of the church in Lovosice, CZ Martin, second from left, is now serving in a congregation in Aš.

Year 2001/2002

During 2001 and 2002, my close friend Alois Klepáček and I began to commute to Kuřim to disciple these new believers. At first, we met in a park to study the Bible together, and in the winter we meet in our car. Later, the Lord also gave us indoor spaces where we invited other young people to study the Bible.

Year 2003/2004

Missionary work in Kuřim was beginning to produce fruit among students and adults. Laura, (who is now my wife) began to teach English and work with women in Kuřim. By this time it was obvious that Kuřim, a city of ten thousand, needed a local church where people could hear the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
By God’s grace, our family was able to buy a house in Kuřim and move the Bible teaching into the living room and later into our remodeled garage. At the same time, the Jelen family moved to Kuřim and wanted to start a local church in Kuřim. Gradually we began to meet for Bible study in their home as well.

Year 2010

In 2010, by the grace of God, we were able to start renting the place where we currently meet. It used to be a disco night club, and now it is a place of worship. The building is right on the main road, just a short walk from the train station.

The Lord God blessed the work in Kurim and has added more people to our congregation.

Year 2012

In 2012, twelve years after the beginning of our work, by the grace of God, we became an official church, Křesťané Kuřim (Christians of Kuřim), we officially had elders and members, and we continued in evangelism and discipleship.

Year 2013 to 2022

The Lord God has been faithful and gracious to us during these years. By His grace, the body has grown as the Lord God added more people. We have also grown in depth and maturity as we have grown in knowledge and love toward the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Year 2023

By God’s grace, about a hundred people now come to our church in Kurim every Sunday. Many of them travel 30 to 45 minutes. But some take over two hours because there is not a healthy church in their area that faithfully preaches the Scriptures.

Request for help with the building

The Kuřim Church is now in a situation where we have been praying for a long-term solution for more space, not only for Sunday services but also for other ministries during the week.

We recently received a time-sensitive offer from the owners of the building that we lease from. They have offered for us to buy the building outright. Purchasing the entire building would address our needs and allow us to expand our worship space. In addition, we would gain space for youth and children’s ministry, short-term housing for people from the church, interns, and much more.

Although the Kurim Church is very generous, it is impossible for us to raise the necessary $900k from our own members.

I would like to ask you, first of all, for your prayers, but also for financial help for the Kurim Church.

The donate button takes you to the Philippian Fellowship website. Then you can click on their donate button and add a note to where the money should go. “Kurim Church Building”. Or write a check to the address written with “Kurim Church Building” on the memo line. We will receive 100% of all money donated.

Thank you very much for your support.

Radek Kolařík
Pastor of Křesťané Kuřim
